One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville
Students sitting at an outdoor table conversing with fall foliage in the background.

Student Finance

Payment Plans

All eligible undergraduate and graduate students are automatically placed in the four-pay plan. You can choose to follow the payment plan or pay in full by the initial semester due date. If you drop a class or add a Campus Store charge, the system will update these changes to your student account. Because of this, your payment plan amounts could change. Updates to your payment plan can take up to 24-48 business hours; contact the Cashiers Office if your payment plan is not updated in a few days.

Any amounts remaining after the initial due date will be charged daily interest at a rate of 5% annually applied on a monthly basis. If you are late making a payment, the payment you missed will be added to the amount owed for the next payment deadline. A late payment charge of $25 applies for any payment not made by the scheduled due date.

Payments made online are immediately applied to your account. There is no cost for an e-check, and a 2.5% convenience fee (minimum $1) will be charged for all credit/debit card transactions. Online payments are the preferred payment method.

Parent Proxy Access

A federal law, FERPA, limits the type of information we can disclose about you without your approval. If you desire for your parent or guardian to make a payment on your behalf, you will need to provide them access to your student account. You might have provided permission in the past or for another office. However, you must grant permission to the Cashiers Office each year. Please review, and if necessary, grant permission by using the Manage privacy permissions in

Please note that your parent must know your code word for the Cashiers Office to discuss your account with them.

Once you grant access, your parent will need to "proxy" to your account. They can do this by first logging into then choose the task view student account/pay bill. Once in the student finance area they will need to click on their name in the top right. This action will show a pull down menu, which will have the option to View/Add Proxy Access. Once this option is chosen, a pop up box will appear with your name. They will then choose you, which gives them access to make a payment on your account.

Additional Resources

Updated: 2021-08.03