Geology Students Present at National Conference

by Rae McKee, Public Relations Writer – October 30, 2015

Geology students from Cedarville will present research at the Geological Society of America Conference.

Six current Cedarville University geology and geoscience students will make presentations at the annual Geological Society of America (GSA) Conference in Baltimore, Maryland, on November 1-4.  Their research topics include the geologic uses for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), 3D-printing landscapes from UAV imagery, and the occurrence of unusual flow-like features in sandstones.  

More than 7,000 geologists from across the world attend the GSA Conference to listen to speakers, attend geological field trips, and present their research. In order to present, a person must submit an abstract of his or her research to be reviewed and approved by a GSA committee.

Tom Rice, M.Engr., assistant professor of geology, will chair a session on the use of UAVs in geological reconnaissance, and noted that Cedarville’s students are unique among the presenters. 

“What is really impressive is that most of our presenters are undergraduates,” explained Rice. “Usually presenters are graduate students, but our undergraduate students are able to present the same quality of research. Often, they’ll be sharing from a young-earth creation perspective, which is different than the majority of other presenters at the conference.” 

Cedarville’s contingent of presenters include senior geology majors Calvin Anderson (Walton, Kentucky), Victoria Couser (Xenia, Ohio),  Sean O’Donnell (Westerville, Ohio), Connor Smith (Hudsonville, Michigan), and junior Emily Jackson (Cattletsburg, Kentucky),  along with senior geoscience major Brett Kendra (Wooster, Ohio). 

Four 2012 Cedarville graduates will also be making presentations. 

Rice and John Whitmore, Ph.D., professor of geology, are co-authors on two of the student’s poster presentations. Rice is also a presenter of a poster with Cedarville benefactor Ray Strom.

Currently, Cedarville is the only university with a literal six day, creation-based geology degree. Cedarville has also utilized the new method of UAVs to research previously inaccessible areas. 

Located in southwest Ohio, Cedarville University is an accredited, Christ-centered, Baptist institution with an enrollment of 3,711 undergraduate, graduate and online students in more than 100 areas of study. Founded in 1887, Cedarville is recognized nationally for its authentic Christian community, rigorous academic programs, strong graduation and retention rates, accredited professional and health science offerings and leading student satisfaction ratings.