Washington Monthly Ranks Cedarville No. 22

by Mark D. Weinstein, Executive Director of Public Relations – August 24, 2015

Washington Monthly has ranked Cedarville No. 22 among the top 100 baccalaureate colleges in the country.

For the second consecutive year, Washington Monthly's top 100 baccalaureate colleges in the United States includes the highly-ranked Cedarville University. Cedarville is ranked No. 22 in the national ranking and is one of just six Ohio schools in the top 100 list.

Following Cedarville University at No. 22 are the University of Mount Union (No. 35) and Ohio Northern University (No. 38).

Roscoe Smith, associate vice president for university admissions, acknowledged the high ranking but emphasized Cedarville’s ultimate goal of providing a solid education from a biblical worldview.
“Our ultimate goal is to prepare our students for careers that can truly make a difference in our world,” said Smith. “Cedarville is a Christ-centered university where students are challenged to grow spiritually and challenged by rigorous academics. The end result is our graduates secure careers that allow them to shape their worlds for Jesus Christ.”
Among all of the universities, Cedarville's 69 percent graduation rate was the highest.  Cedarville’s retention rate is 88 percent, and, when factoring in financial aid, outside scholarships and grants, the net price students pay, according to the report, is $21,036. 

Washington Monthly is a publication based out of Washington, D.C., covering government, politics, culture and the media. The national ranking is based on social mobility, research and service.
The social mobility category examined the percentage of students receiving Pell Grants, the net price attendance, the predicted and actual graduation rate based on the percentage of Pell recipients, incoming SATs. The research category was based on expenditures in millions and bachelor’s to Ph.D. students. The service encompassed Peace Corps rank, Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) rank, percentage of federal work-study funds spent on service, community service participation and hours served rank, service staff, courses and financial aid support rank.
Located in southwest Ohio, Cedarville University is an accredited, Christ-centered, Baptist institution with an enrollment of 3,620 undergraduate, graduate and online students in more than 100 areas of study. Founded in 1887, Cedarville is recognized nationally for its authentic Christian community, rigorous academic programs, strong graduation and retention rates, accredited professional and health science offerings and leading student satisfaction ratings.