Chen Named Associate Editor for Research Journal

by Michaela Carpenter, Public Relations Writer – May 10, 2018

Assistant Dean of the School of Pharmacy Aleda Chen will serve as an editor for prestigious publication.

Cedarville University professors seek to not only prepare students well for their future careers but also to set an example demonstrating excellence in their field. For Dr. Aleda Chen, assistant dean of the Cedarville school of pharmacy and associate professor of pharmacy practice, this is evidenced by her recent appointment as an associate editor for the “Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy Journal” (RSAP).

RSAP is a top international research journal, focusing on new ideas and innovations in the field of pharmacy and other healthcare professions. Chen has served on the editorial board for the journal since 2013, and has won multiple awards for the high quality of her reviews.

As one of five associate editors for RSAP, Chen will review new article submissions and manage the review process. For Chen, one significant benefit of this is improving her own skills and sharing what she is learning about best practices in scientific writing with students and faculty who are conducting research and hoping to have work published.

Beyond the research itself, Chen values the journal and her new role as associate editor because of the way it helps her help others.

“I can help patients by training students to become excellent pharmacists,” said Chen. “And I think being part of a journal that’s on the forefront of science keeps me thinking how I can always push my own research forward and engage students in advancing the care of patients through research.”

Located in southwest Ohio, Cedarville University is an accredited, Christ-centered, Baptist institution with an enrollment of 3,963 undergraduate, graduate, and online students in more than 150 areas of study. Founded in 1887, Cedarville is recognized nationally for its authentic Christian community, rigorous academic programs, strong graduation and retention rates, accredited professional and health science offerings, and leading student satisfaction ratings. For more information about the University, visit