Cedarville Stories: Change Times Four

by Clem Boyd, Communication Content Manager – March 10, 2022

The Clark quadruplets have been together their whole lives . . . until last August. Even amid the rush of change that has encompassed their lives over the last year, they stay grounded in their faith and connected to one another and their parents.

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Together their whole lives - that's the story of the Clark quads. Until last August, when one of the Clark kids, Logan, decided to pursue his undergraduate education at Eastern Kentucky University in aviation. The remaining three - Lauren, Lucas, and Landon - enrolled at Cedarville where they had been planning to attend for some time.

Being apart from Logan was just the first of many adjustments in their lives. New schedules, new routines, new and challenging courses, new friends, and new activities all became part of the mix.

In spite of all the changes, Lauren, Lucas, and Landon were prepared for life on their own by parents, Jason and Tina, and were ready to tackle laundry, chores, and time management. They also make staying connected a priority, sharing at least one meal a week and catching up with Logan on a video call regularly.

They are all discovering God’s plan for their lives too: Lauren in business management, Landon in civil engineering, and Lucas in worship. Lauren and Landon hope to use their degrees to serve on the mission field, while Lucas wants to bless the church with music. 

Any one of these four special students would make a parent proud, but for Jason and Tina Clark, it’s four times the thanksgiving for all that God is doing in their children’s lives. And the Clark kids are grateful for their parents and the way they prepared them for life and for a University where they can experience excellent career preparation and be encouraged and challenged in their relationship with Christ.  

“I’m seeking to give glory to God by putting off sin and putting off unrighteousness and pursuing godliness,” Lauren shared during the podcast. “I can’t think of a better place to do that than here at Cedarville in chapel and in classes and in the Word each and every day.”

To listen to more Cedarville Stories podcasts, click on the link below: 

More to the Story

The Clark quadruplets were first featured in a story by Cedarville PR in July 2021.