Synergy Initiative: The Church, Its Mission, and Your Role - October 29, 2024

Synergy Initiative: The Church, Its Mission, and Your Role

October 29, 2024 from 6:30 p.m.–8:00 p.m.

The Synergy Initiative exists to mobilize trained disciples to multiply healthy churches together. To do this effectively, we must know what the local church is, how to recognize if there is vitality to that local church, and how we are ourselves can contribute to its ongoing strengthening. We will gather at this time to consider how to be a healthy church member, how to identify a healthy church, and how to contribute to a healthy church, both now and when you graduate. This is essential to the continuing strength of churches, as well as their efforts to plant and replant other churches. Refreshments will be provided.

Campus Facilities

Center for Biblical and Theological Studies 104 [Tour]

Campus Contact Information

Jeremy Kimble

Adjunct Faculty Biblical-and-Theological-Studies Faculty Presentation Staff Student Student Life