Registration Form - ACCUPLACER

ACCUPLACER placement tests offer students the opportunity to meet English and mathematics proficiency requirements for entrance into College Now or as a degree-seeking student at Cedarville. We offer the WritePlacer test for English proficiency and the Next-Generation Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, and Statistics test for mathematics proficiency.

Allow three to five business days for processing ACCUPLACER voucher requests.

More Information

Note: Red * text indicates required fields

Select the test you want to take *   
Have you applied for admission to Cedarville University? *   
Please stop here and apply to Cedarville University before continuing.
First Name, Last Name *
Email Address *
Birthdate (format: mm/dd/yyyy) *
Enter your 7-digit Cedarville Student ID (use 0000000 if you do not have an ID) *
Have you taken the selected Accuplacer test previously? *   
If yes, provide the date of that test

Payment Information

Total Amount: $