One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

Leslie Pickering

Leslie Pickering

Campus Experience Specialist


I hail from Newton, Iowa, and am an Iowa Hawkeye through and through. My parents met at and graduated from Cedarville in 1992, so I grew up coming to the University for every homecoming. I knew it was where I wanted to attend, and I did from 2014-2018. As a student I worked in the Campus Experience office, serving as the STING director, a SCAB team member, and a Bravo Zulu Navigator. My husband, Marshall, and I met here, got married the July after graduation, and moved to Newnan, Georgia. I utilized my degree for four years as a middle and high school English teacher before the Lord faithfully brought us and our pups, Kona and Rinnova, back to Ohio in 2022. We are excited to see how He continues to work through us here. We both have served in our church’s student ministry with middle schoolers, so we are excited to be back on campus and serving students. In my free time, I enjoy watching TV shows, reading, perusing Target, and spending time with my family and friends. 


  • B.A. in Adolescent and Young Adult Language Arts, Cedarville University