Cedarville Stories: Embracing Life Without Hands

by Clem Boyd, Communication Content Manager – March 3, 2022

Marissa Conrad has embraced all that life has to offer, including playing football, rock climbing, and skiing. Nothing has held her back. Including the fact she had no hands to grip the ski poles or cradle the ball.

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Sophomore psychology major Marissa Conrad has a wide array of interests and gifts — she’s a gifted artist, likes to knit, and plays the cello. Like a lot of kids, she tried a lot of different activities, from football to rock climbing to skiing.

While all of that opportunity is worth many thanks to the Lord, it becomes remarkable when you realize Marissa had no hands to grip the rocks or cradle the ball. 

Obviously, Marissa's disability has never defined her, but it has impacted her relationships, including with God. Coming to Cedarville, she found a community where she could process life's challenges, which has also included her parents’ divorce and her mom’s battle with cancer.

While soft-spoken, Marissa is also outspoken that disabilities should not hold a person back. She's making a difference in the lives of others. The messages she's received from those encouraged by her joyful embrace of life are evidence of her impact. 

“It has been eye-opening to understand that God created me like this for a purpose,” she explained to Cedarville PR fall semester. “The more people kept asking me about my disability, the more I was accepting of my differences.”

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More to the Story

Marissa’s story first appeared on the Cedarville University website in December.