Simply the Best: Cedarville Claims Model U.N. "Most Outstanding Delegation"

by Abby Totten, Student Public Relations Writer – April 19, 2023

Cedarville University’s Model United Nations (U.N.) team achieved great success at the 2023 Model U.N. competition in New York City April 2-6.

Cedarville University’s Model United Nations (U.N.) team achieved great success at the 2023 Model U.N. competition in New York City April 2-6. 

Competing against students from colleges throughout the world, Cedarville’s Model U.N. team came away with the Outstanding Delegation award — the highest team award at the event. Cedarville represented the country of Namibia, a country of 2.7 million people in southern Africa.  

“The students excelled throughout the competition, and being recognized as the most outstanding delegation is evident of their work,” said Dr. Glen Duerr, professor of international studies and faculty advisor for Cedarville’s delegation.  

While the team captured the highest honor, several students received high praise for their diplomatic prowess. Sage Showers, a senior political science major from Hammon, Oklahoma, and Caleb Forehand, a freshman political science major from Chichester, New Hampshire, received the “Outstanding Delegation in their Committee” award. The individual awards were determined by voting by their peers. Showers and Forehand focused on Namibia’s connection to artificial intelligence (AI) and education. 

Model U.N. is an educational simulation of the United Nations General Assembly, allowing students to debate topics related to international relations. Throughout the competition, students create position papers and propose policies from their assigned delegations.  

To prepare for the event in New York, Cedarville’s Model U.N students met weekly since January to research the government principles of Namibia and sharpen their diplomacy skills. They researched the country’s policies, government and economy and inside information that could help them excel at the national competition. 

“Moreover, many of our students pursue careers in government, law, and diplomacy, so the Model U.N. competition is very helpful as they ponder their career aspirations.”  

Showers, a three-year member of the team, hopes to work in international relations in her future. She will begin her career with Sen. James Lankford (R-Oklahoma) soon after graduating from Cedarville in May. 

“This has given me a lot of speaking opportunities, engagement with international individuals and cultures, which is always a growing opportunity because you have to step outside of your comfort zone.” 

Forehand has seen benefits from Model U.N. in just his first year of joining the team.  

“It’s great exposure to different ideas and different cultures.” About 60% of the people there were international students. It’s also great writing and researching experience when you’re becoming familiar with a policy of a foreign country.” 

Located in southwest Ohio, Cedarville University is an accredited, Christ-centered, Baptist institution with an enrollment of 5,082 undergraduate, graduate, and dual-enrollment high school students in more than 175 areas of study. Founded in 1887, Cedarville is one of the largest private universities in Ohio, recognized nationally for its authentic Christian community, rigorous academic programs, high graduation and retention rates, accredited professional and health science offerings, and the #4 national ranking by the Wall Street Journal for student engagement. For more information about the University, visit