One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

About the BA in International Studies Degree

Why Study International Studies at Cedarville?

Be challenged to think globally, critically assess various points of view, express and defend your views, and integrate your knowledge with your faith in Christ. Cedarville's distinctly Christian international studies major will equip you with all these skills, preparing you to succeed in an international career while furthering the name of Christ.

If you're pursuing a major in another field, you can opt for an international studies minor to enhance and broaden your knowledge. You'll be able to choose from courses like World Religions, International Business, Global Issues, and Intercultural Communication.

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What Sets Cedarville Apart?

Program Overview

Program Highlights

Broad and Interdisciplinary — You’ll take courses in economics, geography, history, literature, and political science.

Intercultural Experience — As part of the program, you will complete an in-depth cross-cultural experience in a non-American culture.

Bilingual — You will complete four semesters of language training, moving you toward bilingualism by the time you graduate.

Customizable — You can tailor your program to your personal interests and career goals.

Placement Success

We're proud of our successful graduates! 100% of recent graduates from the Department of History and Government were employed or in graduate school within six months of graduation. Check out Cedarville's other placement rates.

What Can You Do With International Studies?

International studies graduates have the opportunity to pursue careers in a wide range of fields that involve cross-national and cross-cultural interaction. The demand for individuals with skills such as cross-cultural communication, foreign language proficiency, international expertise, and critical analysis skills is high.

International studies graduates can pursue careers in:

  • Business
  • Diplomacy
  • Government
  • Homeland Security
  • Humanitarian Organizations
  • Intelligence
  • International Media
  • Ministry
  • Nonprofits
  • Public History
  • Relief work

Our graduates are working in diverse fields such as foreign service, law, relief agencies, military intelligence, military deployments, education, and the Peace Corps.

We also have graduates pursuing graduate degrees at places like:

  • Notre Dame Law School
  • University of Granada (Spain)
  • George Washington University
  • Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Graduate and professional programs and employers welcome Cedarville University graduates each year. It is important to note that some professional career fields you may pursue require additional education, experience, and/or licensure beyond the completion of your Cedarville University undergraduate degree.

Opportunities to Learn Outside the Classroom

Study Abroad — As part of your degree program, you will complete an in-depth cross-cultural experience in a non-American culture. Cedarville’s International Programs has several options from which to choose.

Internships — Internships give you real-world experience in what you are studying in your coursework. Out students have interned at missions agencies such as Josiah Venture, Samaritan’s Purse, and TEAM among others; at research organizations such as The Heritage Foundation, CATO Institute, and the American Enterprise Institute; and at the International Justice Mission.

D.C. Semester — You can join fellow students and a faculty member for a life-changing experience of learning, development, and service in a semester spent in Washington, D.C.

The Center for Political Studies provides a biblical response to political and social issues of our day.

Student Organizations — Student organizations complement your coursework with opportunities to meet and learn from like-minded students and professionals.

  • Model U.N. is Cedarville University’s simulated international negotiation team. The Model U.N. team is highly decorated, having twice won the “Outstanding Delegation” award — the highest team award — at the 2019 and 2021 international competitions in New York City. Students learn how to draft working papers/resolutions, negotiate with other “world leaders,” and seek support for their assigned country’s policies.

Program Curriculum

Building on your core liberal arts and Bible minor courses, you will take broad, interdisciplinary courses that will prepare you for careers in a diverse range of fields. Along with core international studies courses, you will take course in business, finance, literature, linguistics, foreign languages, missions, and communication.

Sample courses:
  • Global Issues
  • International Relations

Program Format and Related Programs

Cedarville offers both graduate and undergraduate programs, with flexible completion options. You may also want to consider these related programs as you consider the degree or program that is a best fit for you.

Program Level and Format

  • Undergraduate
  • Residential
  • 4-Year
Man and woman in business attire sitting and talking at a conference table.

From Our Students:

Job and Grad School Placement

Program Faculty

Photo of Glen Duerr

Glen Duerr, PhD

Chair, History and Government; Professor of International Studies


Photo of Frank Jenista

Frank Jenista, PhD

Professor Emeritus of International Studies


Photo of Christine Kim

Christine Kim, PhD

Associate Professor of International Studies


Program News