Xenia Hospitality Chorus - June 5, 2010

Xenia Hospitality Chorus

June 5, 2010

The Xenia Hospitality Chorus, member of the Johnny Appleseed District of the International Barbershop Harmony Society, will present their annual show at Cedarville University in the DeVries, Theatre of the Stevens Student Center on Saturday, June 5, at 7:00 pm. Following the Chorus program under the direction of Don McAdams, recent district champion quartet, "CADILLAC JACK", and the newly formed 10+ men "HARMONY BRIGADE" will provide 45 minutes of exceptional sound. The 400 seat theatre places everyone close to the music.

You may purchase show tickets for $10 at the door and they are also available in advance by calling 937-426-5304. Free and easy access parking is available adjacent to the Stevens Student Center. Following the show, an Afterglow of food and more singing, located next to the theatre, is open to the public for $8 per person.

Conference Performance