Annual Piano Pedagogy Seminar
Annual Piano Pedagogy Conference
September 21, 2019 -- Mr. Dennis Alexander
Dennis Alexander began his affiliation with Alfred Music Publishing in 1986. Mr. Alexander's 240 publications and recordings created with Alfred have earned him an international reputation as one of North America's most prolific and popular composers of educational piano music for students at all levels. Professor Alexander retired from his position at the University of Montana in May 1996 where he had taught piano and piano pedagogy for 24 years. After moving to California, he taught piano privately and served on the faculties of Cal State Fullerton and Cal State Northridge. Now a resident of New Mexico, he currently maintains an active composing and touring schedule for Alfred. A former president of the Montana State Music Teachers Association, he is a popular clinician at state conventions. In addition to the Alfred-sponsored workshops he presents regularly in the U.S. and Canada, Mr. Alexander has also presented workshops in Australia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, and Singapore.
Workshop Schedule
8:30 a.m. - Registration
9–10:15 a.m. - Session One --- "Why Didn't I Think of That?" Highlighting question that deal with technique, motivation, repertoire, sight reading, rhythm, artistry, memorization, teaching adults, stage fright, and
other issues that every teacher must deal with!
10:15–10:45 a.m. - Light Refreshments
10:45–12:15 p.m. Session Two ---- "Practical, Purposeful, and Plentiful" Mr. Alexander will share some of his favorite teaching pieces at each
Participation Fee: $10
Please send your check payable to Cedarville University by September 15, and send to:
Connie Anderson, Music & Worship Dept.
Cedarville University
251 N. Main Street
Cedarville, OH 45314.
You may also pay at the door.
Past Presenters
Here is a list of the accomplished presenters we've hosted:
- Gayle Kowalchyk — Coordinator of the BA piano program at California State University, Northridge; teacher of class piano, piano pedagogy and piano; former Senior Keyboard Editor for Alfred Music (1988-2017).
- Donald and Delayna Beattie — Director of Piano Pedagogy at Southern Illinois University; founder and director of the Beethoven Society for Pianists; independent piano teachers; founders and director of Piano Wizard Academy
- Marvin Blickenstaff — President of the Frances Clark Center for Keyboard Pedagogy; teacher at The New School for Music Study
- Melody Bober — Composer; independent piano teacher; clinician
- Marla Butke — Dalcroze specialist
- Brenda Dillon — RMM presenter; author, Piano Fun for Adult Beginners
- Randall Faber — co-author, Piano Adventures; founder of the Faber Piano Institute in Ann Arbor, Michigan; independent piano teacher
- Christopher and Katie Fisher — Fisher Piano Duo; Chris serves as Chair of the Keyboard Division and Coordinator of Group Piano Studies; Katie is co-author of Piano Safari Method
- David Frego — Dalcroze Eurhythmics specialist
- Maurice Hinson — Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; one of America's most respected authorities on piano literature
- Sam Holland — Professor and Director of the Division of Music at the Meadows School of the Arts, Southern Methodist University; Executive Director of the Frances Clark Center for Keyboard Pedagogy
- Julie Knerr — Co-author of Piano Safari Method; Independent piano teacher
- E. L. Lancaster — Senior Vice-President and keyboard Editor-in Chief, Alfred Music Company; co-author Alfred Premier Method
- Jackson and Benita Leung — Wright State University; piano duo
- Jane Magrath — University of Oklahoma; author of The Pianist’s Guide to Standard Teaching and Performance Literature
- Melinda Murphy — Alexander Technique specialist
- Scott Price — Professor of piano and piano pedagogy and coordinator of piano pedagogy at the University of South Carolina School of Music, President of the Board of Trustees of the Frances Clark Center for Keyboard Pedagogy
- Eugene and Elizabeth Pridonoff — Duo pianists and former professors at The University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music
- Scott McBride Smith — MTNA President; Professor of Piano Pedagogy at the University of Kansas; CEO of the International Institute for Young Musicians
- Nelita True — Former head of the piano department of the Eastman School of Music; lecturer and workshop clinician for pianists and teachers; performer
- Robert and Karen Vandall — Independent Teachers and Composers