The Synergy Initiative Church Planting Panel Discussion - March 15, 2023

The Synergy Initiative Church Planting Panel Discussion

March 15, 2023 from 7:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m.

This panel discussion will address the need for and the realities of church planting, revitalization, and multiplication. Church planters from various cities (Boston, Syracuse, Columbus, and Indianapolis) along with Matt Carter (Vice President of Church Planting for Send Network) will address these issues in detail. This panel will also help students think through how any student here with any kind of major could be used by God in the work of church multiplication.

Campus Facilities

Center for Biblical and Theological Studies 104 [Tour]

Campus Contact Information

Dr. Jeremy Kimble
Associate Professor of Theology
Send an Email

Adjunct Faculty Biblical-and-Theological-Studies Faculty Meeting Staff Student Synergy Initiative