One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville
Does a graduate student need to register their car?
  • Only if you will be parking the car on the Cedarville University campus. If you are taking online courses, you do not need to register your car.
Why is it important to register my car?
  • We may need to contact you due to construction issues, possible fender benders or other reasons.
Is there a fee to register my vehicle?
  • There is no fee for commuter graduate students to register their vehicles. If you are a graduate student who lives on campus, you will be required to pay the parking registration fee. You will, however, have full access to the commuter lots.
Can I register multiple cars?
  • Graduate Commuters — Yes. You are limited to three (3) vehicles without any additional charge.
  • Graduate Residents — No. You are limited to one (1) vehicle on campus at a time.
How do I receive the sticker?
  • When you register as a graduate commuter, you may opt to have your permit mailed to you, or you may choose to pick up your permit in the Campus Security Office in the Stevens Student Center (SSC). Graduate residents must pick up their permits in the Campus Security Office in the SSC.

Register Your Vehicle

Contact Campus Security

Cedarville University
Campus Security
251 N. Main St
Cedarville, OH 45314

Office Location: Steven Students Center upper level near the Information Desk

Office - 937-766-7992
On campus (24/7) - 999*
Off campus (24/7) - 937-239-6491

*Important Notice:

911 should be contacted directly for any police, fire, or emergency medical situation demanding immediate intervention