One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

Cedarville University Campus Security handles items of value that are found on campus. When we receive an item that clearly identifies the owner, we contact them immediately.

All valuables are held for 365 days. If they are not claimed after that time, they are donated to Second Act of Cedarville.

If you have lost a valuable item, please contact our office at 937-766-7992.

If you find a valuable item (not water bottles, clothing, umbrellas, books, etc.), please bring it to our office at Cedarville University, 251 N Main St., Cedarville OH 45314, in the Stevens Student Center (SSC). We are located in SSC Room 230, across from the Devries Theatre, in the upper level of the SSC.

You can always email us at with any questions.