Chapel Guidelines for Students
Chapel is a defining part of the daily Cedarville experience. Chapel helps to build a sense of community at Cedarville University by providing a shared experience of worship, biblical teaching, testimonies, community, and prayer.
General Information
- All undergraduate students taking more than six credit hours are required to attend daily chapel and scan in using their student ID card.
- ID scanners are active from 9:30–10:15 a.m. for tracking attendance.
- Unless approved by disability services, students are not permitted to be in the lobby or lounge spaces outside of the Jeremiah Chapel while chapel is in session.
- Arriving Late: If you arrive later than 10:15 a.m., you will need to submit a chapel excuse (with the reason you are late) using the myCU chapel attendance link.
- Students are allowed eight chapel absences (8 skips) per semester to be used at their discretion. For any additional unexcused absences, fines are given as follows:
- 5 unexcused absences = $15
- 10 unexcused absences = $30
- 15 unexcused absences = $30 and Official Warning
- Over 20 unexcused absences = $30 and Probation
Students who show a pattern of disregard for chapel (i.e. 35 unexcused absences) may be asked not to return for the following semester.
Chapel Excuses
- Chapel excuses should be submitted through myCU after the chapel missed and within five business days.
- In myCU, search "Check Chapel Attendance" and proceed to view your chapel calendar. Click on the red absent bar, select the reason, and submit your excuse.
- Submitting Chapel Excuses: Students may request a chapel excuse due to illness, funerals, direct work conflicts, job interview, and University sponsored ministry or athletic team involvement. *Excuses for not having your ID card to scan into chapel will be permitted one time per semester.
- Sick Excuses: Students are granted four (4) sick excuses per semester. If you have additional absences due to illness, you will need to use one of your 8 skips. Absences due to a long-term illness can be approved through the Special Arrangements form.
- University related Absences: Absences for student teaching, clinicals, field experience, or any other University sponsored event should be submitted through your professor, staff, or coach. Faculty/advisee/student meetings or tests scheduled during the chapel hour are NOT excused absences.
- Please check your absences regularly to ensure that these are accurate. It is ultimately your responsibility to ensure your personal chapel record is up-to-date.
- Work-Related Absences: If your work schedule varies, use your calendar view for those days and submit after chapel has occurred. For missing the same day/s each week, please see "Special Arrangements" section below.
Commuters/Off-Campus Student Chapel Expectations
- Commuter/off-campus students are expected to attend daily chapel.
- If you do not have classes before noon on a particular day, you are not required to attend chapel on those days. You are not automatically excused from chapel for these days and will need to set up the "Special Arrangement" option at the beginning of each semester. Please see "Special Arrangements" below.
- Commuter/off-campus students taking six (6) or fewer credit hours are not required to attend chapel.
- Commuter/off-campus students are encouraged, but not required, to attend the morning and evening Fall Bible Conference and the GO Conference at the beginning of each semester. You are not automatically excused but will need to submit an excuse.
Special Arrangements
- "Special Arrangements” should be set up and secured within the first three weeks of each semester. The chapel attendance link in myCU allows you to do this with ease.
- Setting Up a Special Arrangement: Go to the chapel attendance link in myCU. You will see a blue box labeled "special arrangement" in the left corner. When you click on it, you will select the date range, day or days of the week you need to be excused, include the reason, then submit.
- The special arrangement form is not to be used for individual days, such as sick, work, etc., but for on-going, regular absences.
Additional Accommodations
While we consider chapel a vital part of the Cedarville experience, we understand on rare occasions that special accommodations need to be made. Student will work with Disability Services for specific and personal accommodations.
Graduate Students and Chapel
Graduate students may benefit from Chapel through the shared experience of worship, biblical teaching, testimonies, community, and prayer. While attendance is not required for most graduate students, it may be in certain programs as communicated by your program advisor or clarified below. All graduate students are encouraged to participate by attending chapel or viewing online as time allows.
MDiv Chapel Requirement
MDiv students are required to attend chapel during their first two semesters in the graduate program and scan in using their student ID card. Students are permitted thirty-four skips per semester to be used at their discretion. The required attendance is the equivalent of approximately three chapels per week. Students may request an excused absence for chapels missed due to illness, funerals, direct work conflicts, job interviews, and University-sponsored ministry or athletic team involvement. Students are subject to fines for any unexcused absences accumulated in addition to excused and the thirty-four discretionary absences. Ultimately, students who show a pattern of disregard for chapel may be asked not to return for the following semester.
For additional assistance, please contact the Chapel Records office at