One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

The Synergy Initiative

Synergy: the combined power of a group working together that is greater than the power of individuals working separately. Together, let’s do great things for the Kingdom.

Mobilizing Trained Disciples To Multiply Healthy Churches Together.



In 2019, 4,500 Protestant churches in North America closed their doors for good, while only 3,000 Protestant churches were started. Then the COVID-19 pandemic hit, making an already-concerning situation worse. The Synergy Initiative seeks to help reverse this alarming trend. 

Synergy is the combined power of a group working together that is greater than the power of individuals working separately. This initiative aims to help students plan strategically to graduate from Cedarville, go together with others from this place, and invest their energies, talents, and efforts in planting, revitalizing, and multiplying churches. As Cedarville graduates join up with other church members who are equipped to do the work of ministry, the combined effect of their efforts will accomplish, by God’s grace, abundantly more than only a couple of pastors in a church doing all of the work on their own. Thus, the goal is to equip students to leave Cedarville University ready to help establish and strengthen local churches throughout the nation and around the world.

The Synergy Initiative

  • 2/3 Two-thirds of 22- to 23-year-old adults stop attending church regularly for at least a year.
  • -1,500 In 2019, roughly 3,000 churches were started – but 4,500 were closed.
  • 42% 42% of worshippers at churches planted between 2008–2014 had never attended a church before or had not in many years.


I'm graduating. How do I find a city/church that needs help?

Need exists all over the world because the Gospel is needed in all places. However, this can be overwhelming and not very helpful. That’s why we have provided a networks section on this page. Feel free to check out the links there to hear about some great work that is going on in church multiplication. If you already know where you are going when you graduate, check out that area from these links and see what churches are already doing work there. Dig into the details, email the pastor, let him know who you are and when you would be coming out, and see how you can get connected.

What help do churches need?

Christians are to be equipped for the work of ministry and the building up of the body of Christ (Eph. 4:11-16). That is because, as we minister to God’s people within a church context, there is much to be done. The kinds of ministries you could be involved in at a local church include prayer, discipleship, community outreach, missions, music ministry, communications, children’s ministry, sound and video, student ministry, finances, small group community, greeters when the church gathers, administration, Christian education, and more.

How can I use my new degree in this?

Your degree is taking you to a new location, hopefully with several others from Cedarville, to engage in work that you have been trained and educated to do. This work will allow you to be in a location where you can be involved in the life of a local church, minister faithfully, and work for church multiplication. Part of that work will be you simply living life as Christian in various local contexts (work, neighborhood, restaurants, recreation, etc.). Your degree is useful in allowing you to live missionally at your workplace and also helps you to be a contributing member of your church.

I’m just one person – what can I do to make a difference?

God is looking for faithful, available, initiative-taking, teachable, and humble people. He does not have to use us, but he chooses to, by His grace. As one person you can faithfully go with the knowledge and skills you have acquired in your time at Cedarville and leverage those things within a community and a local church. You can be a faithful witness at work and your neighborhood. You can faithfully do your part to minister in your church and pray and work toward your church multiplying. And now, imagine doing that work with several others who also decided to go to the same location, work, and minister in the church. And imagine that several come each year. Over time, a gospel movement could really begin.

How can I get involved while I'm still a student?

The Cedarville Global Outreach (GO) department provides opportunities to partner with church planting efforts across the nation. You can join a spring break or summer team to experience firsthand what it is like to have an active part in church planting. GO has sent over 150 faculty, staff, and students to church plant locations in the United States since spring 2020, including trips to Boston, Pittsburgh, Salt Lake City, and Washington, D.C. For more information, visit the Global Outreach website.

Where can I learn more about the process of church planting and all that it involves?

For an excellent resource that deals with the nuts and bolts of church multiplication see On this website you will find free videos that address some of the details about church planting, as well as articles and free ebooks.

Upcoming Events

Meet The Director

Jeremy Kimble

Dr. Jeremy Kimble

Dr. Jeremy Kimble serves as Associate Professor of Theology at Cedarville University. He is a member of University Baptist Church in Beavercreek, Ohio, and preaches and teaches regularly in churches, camps, and conference settings. He has written several books and numerous articles on topics related to theology, preaching, discipleship, and leadership. His desire is to know God and make Him known that the church might be strengthened and multiply.

As Director of The Synergy Initiative he works with Cedarville University students, pastors, and local churches to mobilize trained disciples to multiply healthy churches together. If you would like to inquire about Dr. Kimble speaking at an event for your church or ministry, please complete this contact form.

Mission and Vision of the Center

Mobilizing students with the Word of God to strategically go and minister together for healthy church multiplication.


Learn the work of making disciples and multiplying churches.

These training videos will guide you to consider how you are to engage as a disciple yourself, lead your family, and grow in character, convictions, and competencies, as well as to understand your role in the Great Commission. While you can certainly watch alone, you'll get the most out of the training by engaging the content with others, especially fellow members of your local church.

Access More Church Planting Resources!

Engage on a deeper level as you seek to grow in Christlike character, build up the Kingdom, and make disciples. These biblically sound, blog-based resources support the Foundations video training, so you can find out more about the state of our culture and arm yourself with biblical truth to reach the lost.