Instrumental Audition Guidelines
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Instrumental auditions must include all the components described below:
1. Audition Repertoire
- One movement of a Sonata, Concerto, or solo of your choice. You might choose something from your State Solo and Ensemble list. Your private teacher or band director may be a good resource for this.
- A contrasting solo, etude, or sacred solo of your choice.
2. Musicianship Test
- Play several major scales from: C - F - Bb - Eb - A - G - D - A - E
- You may be asked to sight-read a short musical piece selected by your audition committee.
3. Interview
- You will be asked about your career goals, performance experience, and other related questions that will help us guide you in our program.
4. Supporting Materials
- The student should provide a written music resume that includes a list of all significant repertoire studied during high school, performance experience (church, school, contests, recitals, etc), and a brief statement of the student's musical goals for college and beyond.
We strongly urge you to bring an accompanist with you. However, we are able to provide an accompanist for your audition. When scheduling your audition, please let us know if you need an accompanist. If you will be using a Cedarville University accompanist, please provide copies of your pieces two full weeks before your scheduled audition. Taped accompaniment is unacceptable.
Recorded Audition Instructions
On-campus auditions are preferred and required for applicants living within 300 miles. If a recorded audition is necessary, please upload a video to a video hosting platform like YouTube or Vimeo using the same guidelines for on-campus auditions. You will find the required arpeggios and/or scales here.
- Please announce each piece before it is performed allowing sufficient breaks between selections.
- Recordings should be prepared with great care. If you cannot have the recording made professionally, be sure to locate the best equipment, acoustical situation, and personal assistance possible.
- The recording should not be edited or spliced.
Links to your videos should be sent via email to the Cedarville University Music and Worship Department at musicandworship@cedarville.edu. Deadline for recorded auditions is on or before the last scheduled audition date.