Keyboard Pedagogy Alumni
Our pedagogy graduates are using their degrees in varied and exciting venues! Here are a few examples:
- Becky Chasnov '06 — teaching piano in Israel
- Alyssa Griffith '15 — pursuing a master’s degree at The University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music and performing regularly in a large retirement center through the University of Cincinnati
- Susan (West) Holtzscher '97 — owns and operates a large studio with teachers working for her
- Leah (Foss) Leman '04 — taught music in China for six years
- Sarah (Thengvall) Roeber '04 — taught music for three years in China
- Rachel (Dremann) Schmoyer '07 — teaching piano in Ireland
- Lauren Shackelford '05 — professor at Master’s College
- Christina (Pena) Sidaras '10 — teaching at the Piano Prep School
- Aubrie (Compitello) Yeh '11 — maintains a large studio in Indiana
- Gretchen (Mayer) Yeh '12 — accompanying and teaching in Nashville, Tennessee