Foreign Film Series - Funan - October 18, 2022

Foreign Film Series - Funan

October 18, 2022 from 6:30 p.m.–8:45 p.m.

Cambodia, April 1975. Chou is a young woman whose everyday world is suddenly upended by the arrival of the Khmer Rouge regime. During the chaos of the forced exile from their home, Chou and her husband are separated from their 4-year-old son, who has been sent to an unknown location. As she adapts to her new reality, working in the fields day and night under the careful watch of soldiers and surviving the increasingly grim work camps, Chou remains steadfast in her determination to reunite her family – even if it means risking everything. Funan is a searing and remarkable debut from filmmaker Denis Do, who uses his own family history as inspiration for a thrilling story of love, loss, and enduring hope.

Campus Facilities

Engineering and Science Center 245 [Tour]

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Campus Contact Information

Mr. Dan Clark
Associate Professor of English
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