Student Life Camp - July 7, 2008

Student Life Camp

July 7-11, 2008

Life is a journey full of choices. And everyone is going somewhere. Some take an easy path, the others a road less traveled. One leads to destruction, the other to life. Which way are you going?

People from all ages have had to decide how to deal with this choice. Back in the day—when the church was just getting started—before the word “Christian” was in the picture, people who followed Jesus were simply called “followers of the Way.” The disciples—the ones we know as “the 12,” set the pace when they left their boats, nets, families and friends to follow Christ. They were obedient and they exemplified how believers are to follow. And that’s how the movement began. It was radical. And so it was described in Acts 19:23---“About that time there arose a great disturbance about the Way.”

What about for you? Does your life’s direction cause a disturbance? Or are you content to go with the flow? Jesus told the story in Matthew 7:14, “But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life and only a few find it.” He knows the challenge and has provided all we need to follow Him.

The initial decision to follow Christ is pivotal without a doubt, but as long as we are in this world we are constantly deciding which nature to feed, what god to serve, which way to go. It’s a process. Student Life Camp ’08 will provide an opportunity to step back, check the landscape of life across the ages, evaluate where you are and how to walk in The Way today.

Campus Contact Information

Mrs. Chrissy Faulkner
Assistant Director, Conference and Event Services
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