Install Microsoft Access 2016 on a University Computer
Install Microsoft Access 2016 on a University Computer
Microsoft Access is not installed on University computers by default. If you would like to use the Microsoft Access database program, please submit an Information Technology request.
Once you have received notification that you have been added to the Access group, please use the following instructions to install and launch Microsoft Access (Access 2013 instructions are displayed because Office 2013 is available by default on all classroom and lab computers).
Install Access 2016
- Click the Windows [Start] button > Click "Control Panel."
- Click "Programs and Features."
- Select "Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2016" from the list.
- Click [Change].
- Check the "Add or Remove Features" box > Click [Continue].
- Click the "Microsoft Office Access" drop-down box > Select "Run all from My Computer."
- Click [Continue] > and then [Close].
Launch Access 2016
- Click [Start] > "All Programs."
- Choose "Microsoft Office" > "Microsoft Office Access 2013." Wait for the one-time configuration to complete.
Posted in Computer Help