Missions Conference Chapels
Watch the chapel messages from the 2018 Missions Conference:
God is For Us — 1/9/2018
Our 2018 Missions Conference keynote speaker is Dr. Tony Merida, Pastor for Preaching and Vision at Imago Dei Church in Raleigh, North Carolina. The text for his message is Romans 8:31-39.
Awe-Driven Missions — 1/10/2018
Our 2018 Missions Conference keynote speaker is Dr. Tony Merida, Pastor for Preaching and Vision at Imago Dei Church in Raleigh, North Carolina. The text for his message is Psalm 145.
Word-Obeying Missions — 1/10/2018
Our 2018 Missions Conference keynote speaker is Dr. Tony Merida, Pastor for Preaching and Vision at Imago Dei Church in Raleigh, North Carolina. The text for his message is James 1:16-27.
Kingdom Hospitality — 1/11/2018
Our 2018 Missions Conference keynote speaker is Dr. Tony Merida, Pastor for Preaching and Vision at Imago Dei Church in Raleigh, North Carolina. The text for his message is Luke 14:12-24.
Serving Christ Sacrificially in Life and in Death — 1/11/2018
Our speaker for the final morning of the 2018 Missions Conference was Jennifer DeKryger, missionary with ABWE International at the Hospital of Hope in Togo, West Africa.