One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

Having trouble getting your ideas down onto paper, or feeling intimidated to share those ideas with others (particularly professors)? You're not alone! Our writing experts are eager to come alongside you at every stage of your writing process.

Whether you need help formatting a research paper or brainstorming ideas for a creative piece, you'll be in capable hands with any of our tutors. Come visit the Writing Center, and see how our tutors can help you bring your project to life. Our services are free, so all you have to lose is your writer's block and a few sleepless nights!

Student Tutors

  • Booker Atkins

    Booker Atkins

    Major: English Education

    Hello! My name is Booker Atkins, and I am a Senior English Education major from Waynesville, Ohio. I am passionate about writing, reading, and all things English. I love to help people develop ideas to incorporate into their writing. I also enjoy guiding others to place their thoughts on paper. In addition to helping at the Writing Center, I spend time in nature. I raise monarch butterflies and tag them so scientists can track their migration to Mexico. During the summer, I work at a U-pick blueberry farm, teach Vacation Bible School, and enjoy relaxing with my family. I love reading anything from young adult literature to classic pieces. I will work with you on any stage of your writing, and I am excited to meet you at the Writing Center!
  • Emma Bapst

    Emma Bapst

    Major: English

    Hey guys! My name is Emma and I’m a senior English major from southeastern Ohio. My home is in a little town that boasts many original, family-owned businesses–such as the local donut shop I worked at during high school. I love reading nineteenth century British novels (especially by Jane Austen), playing with dogs, and drinking chocolate milkshakes from Orion. When I’m not reading or writing, you can usually find me rocking out on the drums, shredding slopes on a snowboard, or playing soccer. Talking about writing and geeking out about grammar are my specialties, and I would love for you to join me to work on any projects or assignments you have!
  • Anna Brubacher

    Anna Brubacher

    Major: English Education

    Hi! I’m Anna, a sophomore English Education major from the suburbs of Chicago. I am an avid reader, and I enjoy writing too, especially poetry and creative nonfiction! What I love most about writing is that it allows people to share their unique voices and perspectives with the world. Some of my favorite things to do when I am not working on homework include grabbing coffee with friends, going on walks, and of course reading (Steinbeck is my favorite). I am also passionate about traveling, and I love learning about different cultures through literature, music, and most especially food! I am excited to work with you!
  • Lauren Bowman

    Lauren Bowman

    Major: Accounting

    Hello! My name is Lauren, and I am an accounting major with minors in professional writing and biblical care & counseling. I’m from central California and in my free time I enjoy spending time outdoors, reading, playing piano, and hanging out with friends! I am also an avid coffee drinker and enjoy trying new coffee shops wherever I travel. I love writing and the opportunity it brings to learn more about the world around us and glorify God through our words. I am excited to get to know you and work with you on your project!
  • Chloe Barnette

    Chloe Barnette

    Major: Visual Communication Design (VCD)

    Hello! My name is Chloe and I'm a junior graphic designer with a minor in studio art. I'm from a small town in eastern Ohio, right down by the Ohio River. In addition to art, I love reading, playing piano, singing, and, of course, writing! While creative writing can be one of the most fun kinds of writing, I also love the research side of writing because of all the many things you get to learn about through research. That is one of the reasons I am excited to get to help you all in your own writing! We all learn so much here at Cedarville and I can't wait to help you show off what you know!
  • Sophia Camillone

    Sophia Camillone

    Major: English

    Hello! My name is Sophia and I’m a junior English major. I was born and raised on Long Island, New York, less than ten minutes away from the beach (which, naturally, means that we rarely go). As a homeschooled kid, I developed a love for reading and would check out almost any fiction book that my local library had. Today, some of my favorite novels include Pride and Prejudice, A Tale of Two Cities, and The Stormlight Archive series by Brandon Sanderson. Aside from reading, I also enjoy playing flute, crocheting, baking, drawing, and, of course, writing. In the last few years, I have grown to appreciate more and more just how important written language is, and I am excited to have the privilege of collaborating with you in your writing endeavors!
  • Madie Clawson

    Madie Clawson

    Major: Spanish Education

    Hi, I'm Madie! I'm a sophomore in Spanish Education. I absolutely love writing, especially creative writing and composition papers. What I love most about writing is its ability to express. Words can be so beautiful! In my free time I like playing volleyball, hanging out with friends, singing, and of course writing. A fun fact about me is that I am a triplet! My family is so important to me. I can't wait to help you through the writing process, and hopefully help you find joy in writing!
  • Emily Cone

    Emily Cone

    Major: Professional Writing and Information Design

    Hi! I’m Emily, and I am a senior Professional Writing and Information Design major. Writing has been a passion of mine for as long as I can remember, specifically creative writing. My favorite things to do include hanging and playing games with friends, reading romance or fantast novels, and writing stories. When I am not working on homework, you can find me curled up with a book or brainstorming my next creative writing project. I would love to work alongside you with any writing assignment you have to discover ways to strengthen your writing. I also love workshopping creative work so feel free to bring in any creative pieces as well! I am excited to meet you!
  • Julia DePalmo

    Julia DePalmo

    Major: Linguistics
    Concentrations: Biblical Languages and TESOL

    Hello! My name is Julia DePalmo! I am a junior linguistics major with concentrations in Biblical languages and TESOL. As my major suggests, I love languages and I hope to become a Bible Translator one day. I grew up in Upstate New York doing musical theater and playing soccer. Nowadays, when I’m not studying, you will probably find me chasing a sunset, hanging out with friends, going on adventures outside, or reading a good book! The Mysterious Benedict Society series is my absolute favorite, but I also love The Hiding Place and other stories of Christians who have lived for the sake of the gospel. I am most comfortable writing in MLA, but I would love to help you with whatever writing assignments you bring to the writing center!
  • Jake DeVol

    Jacob DeVol

    Major: MDiv

    Hello! I'm Jacob, a graduate student in the Master of Divinity program. I received a Bachelor of Science in environmental science in August 2024 and returned to Cedarville to pursue (even) higher education! I hope to eventually pursue vocational ministry, Lord willing. I love the outdoors, wilderness, backpacking, etc. I am passionate about theology and the study of God's Word, but I also love reading, writing, and editing. I am more than happy to work with you on any writing project you bring, from creative writing to a lab report to an argumentative essay — no matter where you are in the process!"
  • Alayna Drollinger

    Alayna Drollinger

    Major: English

    Greetings! I’m Alayna Drollinger, a senior English major with minors in creative writing, editing & publishing, and history. I’m a lover of all things books and have worked at the Centennial Library here on campus for three years now (my favorite study spot is under the library stairs—the perfect mix of natural lighting and margin from humanity). Besides being a bookworm, I’m also a collector of empty notebooks and unused sticky notes, a mediocre watercolorist and margin doodler, and an amateur cartographer. I look forward to working with you in any step of the writing process, whether that be a school assignment or creative writing!
  • Brook Fetter

    Brook Fetter

    Major: Social Work

    Hello there! I’m Brook and I’m a senior social work major from Michigan! After graduation, I want to work in the mental health & substance abuse field. I love reading and writing fantasy/dystopian stories and I’m a huge Star Wars nerd. Although my favorite activity to do on breaks is leisure reading, I actually didn’t learn to read until I was almost 8. I’m also an avid runner who will never say no to ice cream! I have a creative writing minor so feel free to bring in any type of creative writing piece for us to look at. I would love to come alongside you with any writing project! I’m looking forward to tackling any kind of assignment with you!
  • Savannah Haines

    Savannah Haines

    Major: Linguistics

    Hello friend! My name is Savannah Haines, and I am a senior majoring in linguistics with a concentration in TESOL and Spanish. I adore growing in the knowledge of Jesus Christ, playing any sport, hanging out with family and friends, hiking, swimming, traveling, learning languages, playing the ukulele, and writing with masala chai in hand. I have been writing creative stories since before I can remember. I cannot wait to delve into an assignment with you no matter what type of writing you are currently working on or where you are in the writing process! My greatest hope is that you will walk away from a session greatly encouraged and inspired to improve as a writer. So excited to meet you! Philippians 4:4
  • Sadie Hatton

    Sadie Hatton

    Major: English Education

    Hey! I'm Sadie, and I am a sophomore English Education major from Springfield, Ohio. I absolutely adore reading and writing in all genres, but I'm particularly fascinated by classic literature and poetry. My favorite authors are Dennis Lehane, Jane Austen, Raymond Carver, and F. Scott Fitzgerald. When I'm not reading or writing, you can find me studying in the CMC (probably with a coffee nearby), obnoxiously blasting music in my room, or watching coming-of-age films from the 80s. I am so excited to be working at the Writing Center, as I believe it will be excellent practice for when I become a teacher. I can't wait to help you out with whatever project you're working on!
  • Haley Kollstedt

    Haley Kollstedt

    Major: English

    Hello there! My name is Haley and I am a senior English major with a creative writing concentration. I'm from Maineville, OH. One of my grand passions is creative writing, and my all-time favorite trope is the Christ-figure. I'm also a total horse girl, and I love the thrill of riding and training horses. I dream of one day being a professional equine trainer and clinician! I am a lover of rainy days, and combined with a cozy coffee shop, you'll find my ideal writing nook. Although I haven't seen a whole lot of movies, I'm a total film-score nerd. I'll never pass up a good book, and my favorite genre is mystery/thriller (especially of the middle-grade variety). A fun fact about me is that I once made a fairy village in my backyard. I am so excited to be your WC tutor!
  • Katherine Lebs

    Katherine Lebs

    Majors: Communication, Biblical Counseling

    Hello! My name is Katherine, and I’m a junior studying communication and biblical counseling. I really enjoy hanging out with my friends, spending time in worship, and rock climbing! I’ve been passionate about reading and writing ever since I was very young, and one of my favorite things about writing is the process of describing ideas and emotions. I’m always amazed at how God gave us the gift of language to be able to connect with one another, whether through speeches, writing, or conversation. I’m always excited to see what my fellow students have to say at the Writing Center, and I look forward to helping you with anything in your writing journey, especially brainstorming and organization.
  • Angela Lee

    Angela Lee

    Major: Linguistics

    Hello! My name is Angela, and I'm a senior Linguistics major. I grew up as a missionary kid in South East Asia, and as a result, I developed a fascination for cultures and languages around the world. I also enjoy reading, coffee, tea, rock climbing, music, photography, and playing games with friends. I look forward to working on projects with you!
  • Gabe Michalman

    Gabe Michalman

    Major: Accelerated Biblical Studies

    I have always loved writing. I can remember sitting at my family computer over a decade ago, hoping my 10-page story about knights would turn into a best-selling book series. All these years later, I am a sophomore Biblical Studies student who never finished writing that book. But I still love using words to communicate the beauty I see in God’s creation and share the lessons He is teaching me. When I am not writing, I love to play guitar, hike, pat any dogs larger than a chihuahua, read novels or theology books, do virtually anything with my friends or family, or talk with anyone I meet throughout my day. I try to make Writing Center sessions as conversational as possible, with lots of questions and back-and-forth. I love learning from all the writers I get to work with, and I can’t wait to meet you!
  • Sophia Monastra

    Sophia Monastra

    Major: Professional Writing and Information Design

    Hello! I'm Sophia (Sophie) Monastra, and I'm a former environmental science major and current junior professional writing and information design major. I understand how frustrating writing can be and would much rather take an exam than write a paper, but that won't stop me from helping you write the best essay you can! Generally, if I don't know the answer, I can track down someone who does. I like workshopping creative writing (feel free to bring some). In my spare time I read and create comics.
  • Addie Olson

    Addie Olson

    Major: English

    Greetings! My name is Adelyn (Addie) Olson and I'm a junior English major from Minnesota. I'm passionate about reading, studying literature, writing, playing piano, learning about other cultures, and listening to music. Some of the most influential books in my life have been Lord of the Rings, Little Dorrit, Anne of Green Gables, and Crime and Punishment. I love Chesterton, Tolkien, Dickens, Austen, Fitzgerald, and Dostoevsky, just to name a few. I also love poetry, especially modern and postmodern poetry. That being said, I'll read just about anything! I love writing, from literary analysis to creative writing. I look forward to working with you in the writing center!
  • Joshua Parker

    Joshua Parker

    Major: Communication

    Hello there, person who can read! My name is Joshua Parker and I’m glad to know you’re literate. I am a sophomore Communication major and a member of the Forensics Speech & Debate team, which means I am here to help with all of your speechwriting and argument development needs! Some of my passions include reading, creative writing, economics, politics, and philosophy. I’ve been reading for as long as I can remember. If you're sneaky enough, you might even catch me reading a fantasy novel for hours at a time. I love to help others tell stories and write what they’re passionate about (and what they’re not so passionate about), so I’d love to walk alongside you with whatever you’re working on! I can’t wait to meet with you!
  • Ashley Reuss

    Ashley Reuss

    Major: Political Science

    Hello, everybody! My name is Ashley and I’m from northern Wisconsin. I am a senior political science major with emphasis in sociology and international studies, and I have an end goal of being a professor of sociology. I have many hobbies, with many being related to athletics, ancestry research, and creative writing. It took me a long time to develop a love for writing, but when I learned how to use it to communicate my own thoughts, I was hooked! I love learning other languages and am currently studying ASL (American sign language) and Korean with hopes of becoming an interpreter for churches and hospitals. I also enjoy helping others find and grow their own, unique writing styles. I am able to assist in MLA, APA, and Chicago style assignments, and I am so excited to work with you in the Writing Center!
  • Mandy Ringmacher

    Mandy Ringmacher

    Major: Middle Childhood Education

    Hey! I am Mandy Ringmacher, I am a Sophomore Middle Ed. Major from upstate New York. I love getting coffee with my friends, training dogs, and dancing as well as reading and writing. I am a volunteer trainer for 4 Paws for ability in Xenia so you may see me with a dog in the writing center! I have always loved reading and found a love for writing through wanting to create my own stories. I'm excited to see your work and help you be the best writer you can be!
  • Caroline Stanton

    Caroline Stanton

    Major: English Education

    Hi! My name is Caroline and I’m a senior English education major. I’m super passionate about writing and helping people make connections between their brains and the paper. I love meeting new people and working with new clients! When I’m not tucked away in the Writing Center or working on homework, I usually find myself drinking some type of coffee and planning my next great creative nonfiction piece. My favorite books are the Bible, The Handmaid’s Tale, and The Picture of Dorian Gray. I am so looking forward to working with you and trying to muddle through all the gunk of writing so that we can leave with a piece that you are proud of! Please bring me any creative, academic, or undefined drafts; I love to work with it all!
  • Hope Slusser

    Hope Slusser

    Major: English

    Hello! My name's Hope, I'm a junior English major with minors in history, editing/publishing, and Bible. I'm from a small town in northern Indiana; I have a cornfield in my backyard! I love fantasy novels (like Howl's Moving Castle) and I'm partial to sci-fi (like The Martian), but grew up reading Percy Jackson---so that's my favorite. I love writing, but finishing projects is a huge obstacle that I cannot get over---so editing! I love editing more than writing to be honest. I'm excited to be able to help you with any essay or writing project you have!
  • Grace Thornsbury

    Grace Thornsbury

    Major: English

    Hello! I’m Grace and I’m an English major with minors in Creative Writing and Editing & Publishing. Some of my hobbies include writing poetry, painting with watercolors, and watching silly Minecraft YouTube videos. I grew up in western Maryland with Ohio-borne parents: a mom who taught me to love reading and history and a dad who taught me to be curious about creation and science (he tried teaching me to enjoy math… rather unsuccessfully). I love learning almost as much as I love writing, so whatever your paper is about, I would love to get excited about it with you. Hopefully, I can help you feel a bit of the writerly confidence that I believe we can all learn to experience.
  • Caleb White

    Caleb White

    Major: Finance

    Hey! I'm Caleb White, and I am a sophomore finance major with a minor in economics. I'm an extreme nerd who enjoys Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Chronicles of Narnia and superhero movies and shows. These kinds of stories have fundamentally influenced my own style of creative writing and inspired me in enjoyable ways such as working on my own fantasy novel series, The Warlock Mantle. In addition to writing, I enjoy playing the drums and lifting. If I'm not in Tyler, you'll probably find me in the gym or studying in the Scharnberg center. My specialties when it comes to writing are grammar and editing, as well as just discussing creative writing. Looking forward to hearing from you!
  • Olivia Whitehead

    Olivia Whitehead

    Major: English

    Hey! I’m Olivia Whitehead, and I’m a junior English major from Westerville, Ohio. I have loved reading since I was young (especially British Victorian literature like Dickens and Austen!), and I have grown to love writing just as much in the past few years. I also love music and have a minor in piano, and I think Rachmaninoff is one of the greatest composers of all time. Additionally, I enjoy travel and road cycling, and I look forward to working with you in the Writing Center!


  • Holly Blakely

    Holly Blakely

    Writing Center Director
    Associate Professor of English

    As the Writing Center director, I would like to welcome you to the Writing Center. We are staffed by trained peer tutors who would love to sit down and chat with you about your writing! You will find our tutors to be easy to talk to and very welcoming. Just a bit about myself: Three of my favorite things are throw blankets, candles, and books. My husband, David, and I have been married for 26 years, and we have two adult daughters, Sophie and Natia. I began working with writers in 1999 and still find that work to be meaningful and fulfilling. Come visit us so you can find out what the Writing Center has to offer you!