One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville
Female social work students discuss around a table

Phi Alpha Honor Society (Epsilon Omega)


An undergraduate student is eligible for active membership after achieving the following National minimum requirements and meeting local Chapter requirements: declared Social Work as a major, achieved junior status, completed 12 semester hours of required Social Work courses, achieved an overall grade point average of 3.0. (on a 4.0 scale), achieved a 3.25 grade point average in required Social Work courses.


The purposes of this chapter of Phi Alpha are as follows:

  • To recognize and promote scholastic achievement among students and faculty involved in the undergraduate or graduate Social Work Program at Cedarville University.
  • To recognize, improve, and further the goals of Social Work in the community, state, nation, and world.
  • To stimulate interest in preparation for a career in Social Work.
  • To encourage continued study and research at the undergraduate level, the graduate level, and in professional practice.
  • To recognize those professional social workers and others whose service, contributions, and leadership are held in esteem.