International Field Experience
Students have the opportunity to do an international field experience in Ecuador, India, or Uganda. The student will live abroad for a semester and reside on a college campus or with a local host family. Besides practicing and learning about social work within these countries, students can take selected college courses locally that will enhance their understanding and appreciation of their host country, including its culture and people. These courses apply toward graduation and will meet course requirement for the social work program. While living among the local population, students will have a unique opportunity to learn language and customs, get involved with a local body of believers, and understand what practicing social work from a biblical perspective, in an international context, means from a practical standpoint.
India offers our students a unique opportunity to intern at a variety of social work practice settings including medical social work, community development, mental health, poverty alleviation, schools, geriatrics, individuals with disabilities, and survivors of human trafficking. Students will take courses through Madras Christian College and experience the culture firsthand by living on a traditional Indian college campus. Placement is available for juniors in the fall semester.
Ecuador offers students an opportunity to learn and enhance their Spanish speaking abilities. Students will reside in an apartment with other college students and a Resident Director. Social Work students have the opportunity to do an internship with microfinance, women who have been trafficked, poverty alleviation, community development, and education. Students will be enrolled in courses through Living & Learning International. Classes taken while in Ecuador will count towards degree completion and will align with course requirements for the social work program. Placement is available for junior in the fall and spring semester.
Uganda offers a variety of options to both junior and seniors, fall and spring semester. Students will reside on campus at Uganda Christian University and will take classes through UCU. Students will have the opportunity to work with poverty alleviation, vocational schools, orphan care, survivors of human sacrifice, children with physical disabilities, and many more.