Changes in technology, demographics, and regulation make this an exciting time to practice the profession of journalism. Methods of gathering and transmitting information have changed over the past decade providing challenges for today’s news providers.
The demands on journalists to be competent in written, oral, and visual communication reflect this new world where media industries are converging.
New media create unique employment opportunities for journalists unknown a decade ago. These new media outlets not only offer a strong market for graduates but also a unique opportunity to influence the development of journalism as it expands to internet-based media outlets and alternative delivery systems.
The employment opportunities for individuals with a Journalism degree include:
- Editor
- Sportswriter
- News editor
- Feature writer
- Reporter
- Producer
- Web editor
- Professor
- Press Officer
- Media Relations
- Online media
- Web designer
Sample Job Categories:
- Television/Radio
- Magazines/Publishing
- Online Media
- Public Relations / Media Relations / Communications
- Newspapers/Wire Services
- Nonprofit/Academia/Government
- Financial/Technology News
- Sales/Marketing Circulation