One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

Ben Sprague


Ben Sprague is a visiting professor of cyber operations. For the past 14 years, Ben has worked in the government and defense contracting industry, with experiences ranging from embedded Linux system design, building user interfaces for bomb squad robots, high-speed FPGA implementations of wireless signal processing to vulnerability research and advancing the state of the art in modern fuzzing technology.

Ben is currently on loan from Cryptic Vector, a local Cincinnati engineering and contracting company that employs several other Cedarville graduates. With his company team, Ben has qualified and competed in the first two annual worldwide Hack-A-Sat satellite hacking competitions sponsored by the AFRL and U.S. Space Force.

Ben’s passion for cybersecurity is grounded in his desire to advance and protect the missions of our country and our church. Beyond his day job, Ben enjoys spending time searching for and helping to educate about web vulnerabilities for missions agencies and nonprofit organizations (with permission, of course!).

Education and Credentials

  • M.S. in Accelerator and Astrophysics, Northern Illinois University
  • B.S.C.E., Cedarville University


  • Why Cedarville?: My goal for teaching at Cedarville is to raise up a generation of developers who are alert to the dangers surrounding us, capable of protecting the things I love, yet who are also equipped to live as a beacon of the hope that only Jesus can give in the midst of the darkness.