Google Mail (Gmail): Edit Subject of a Conversation Thread

Google Mail (Gmail): Edit Subject of a Conversation Thread
In Gmail, you can change the subject of a mail conversation that has already been started. When you do this and send the email, the recipients will receive the email in their inbox as a new conversation.
If you simply want each email you receive (including those with the same subject line) to appear as a new conversation thread, see the Google Mail: Turn Off Conversation View help page.
If you simply want each email you receive (including those with the same subject line) to appear as a new conversation thread, see the Google Mail: Turn Off Conversation View help page.
- Navigate to
- Log in to Gmail using your email address and password.
- Click the mail conversation you want to reply to with an edited subject.
- Scroll to the bottom of the conversation. There should be three buttons, allowing you to Reply, Reply All, or Forward. Click whichever applies to you.
- To the left of the name of the person you are replying to, click the dropdown arrow. A pop-up menu appears.
- From the pop-up menu, click "Edit subject." Gmail’s new compose/reply window will appear for you to type your reply.
- To edit the subject, click the cursor into the subject field and make the desired changes.
If you would like to change the conversation thread of a message that you are forwarding, you can complete these same steps. In step 5, simply click to "Forward" the message instead of reply to it.
Posted in Computer Help