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How to Change Default Line Spacing in Word

How to Change Default Line Spacing in Word

How to change default line spacing in Word.

Upon installation, Microsoft Word uses 1.08 line spacing by default. It also automatically adds 8 points of space after each paragraph (after a hard return). You can change the default line spacing by following the steps below. Keep in mind that this is a machine-specific setting, so you will need to repeat these steps for any new computer that you log in to.

To change the default line spacing:

  1. Click the [Home] tab > Locate the "Paragraph" group.
  2. In the lower-right corner of the "Paragraph" group, click the arrow. A "Paragraph" dialog box will open.
  3. From the [Indents and Spacing] tab > Locate the "Spacing" section.
  4. From the "Line spacing" drop-down list, choose the spacing you would like Word to use by default.
  5. From the "Before" and "After" drop-down lists, choose the amount of spacing between paragraphs you would like Word to use by default. (If you want no extra spacing between paragraphs, set the spacing at 0 points.)
  6. Click the [Set As Default] button > Select "All documents based on the Normal template?" > Click [OK].
There have been a few cases on campus where the spacing defaults will not change permanently, and the line spacing has reverted to the system default of 1.08 when a new document is opened. Please submit an online Information Technology Request (ITR) if you experience this issue.

Posted in Computer Help

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