Students with disabilities are expected to take an active role in developing strategies for reasonable accommodations. For example, a student with a documented learning disability is expected to make an appointment with faculty at the beginning of the semester to discuss learning needs and accommodations. The student should be prepared to discuss strengths, weaknesses, and the types of accommodations that will be necessary. This meeting will give a student’s faculty a better understanding of the student’s needs and the opportunity to discuss effective and appropriate accommodations. Students who understand their disability are better equipped to self-advocate.
Should any concern arise during the term regarding the provision of an accommodation and/or its effectiveness, it is the student’s responsibility to immediately contact the faculty member and Disability Services to make them aware of the concern. Doing this in a timely manner is important to allow both faculty and the Coordinator of Disability Services the opportunity to address the situation.
Right to Privacy and Release of Information
The Coordinator of Disability Services for Students respects the right to privacy of individuals with disabilities and the confidential nature of information conveyed verbally or in writing. Disability Services is committed to ensuring that all documentation including medical, educational, and psychological information regarding a student’s disability is maintained as private. Information will not be released except in accordance with state and/or federal law.
Only the Coordinator of Disability Services for Students, the Director of the Academic Enrichment Center—The Cove, and designated staff have access to files.
Information acquired is used solely for establishing eligibility to provide reasonable and appropriate accommodations at the University. Students are informed that if they request Disability Services to facilitate accommodations on their behalf, disability-related information may need to be shared. Information is shared only with others within the university on a need-to-know basis for the purpose of meeting the student’s disability-related needs per the student’s request and permission.