Theology Seminars
Theology Seminar Session 1: Doctrinal Overview
In this video, Dr. Thomas White, President of Cedarville University, addresses CU faculty about specific details concerning biblical integration and why theology is so essential and foundational to every academic discipline on campus. As an initiative of the Center for Biblical Integration, this talk serves as the inaugural Theology Seminar, giving an overview for the remainder of the year. View the Presentation Slides »
Theology Seminar Session 2: Theology and Worldview
It is crucial as we teach in our respective disciplines that we understand the meaning of terms like “theology” and “worldview” and how these two items relate to one another. In this session Dr. Jeremy Kimble, Associate Professor of Theology and Director of the Center for Biblical Integration, unpacks the importance and relationship of theology and worldview in thinking Christianly in academia. As an initiative of the Center for Biblical Integration, this talk is the second of six Theology Seminars being offered to Cedarville faculty fall of 2019. View the Presentation Slides »
Theology Seminar Session 3: Revelation
The doctrine of revelation is an essential aspect of theology to understand when thinking of how God has made Himself known to us through various means. While speaking briefly on the topic of general revelation (God makes Himself known to all by means of creation and conscience, though it is suppressed by unbelieving humanity), Dr. Joshua Kira delves more specifically into special revelation, looking especially at the character of Scripture. Dr. Kira ends his presentation with a practical look at how the doctrine of revelation impacts various academic disciplines. As an initiative of the Center for Biblical Integration, this talk is the third of six Theology Seminars being offered to Cedarville faculty fall of 2019. View the Presentation Slides »
Theology Seminar Session 4: Hermeneutics
The doctrine of revelation and Scripture shows us the character of God's Word, that is inspired, inerrant, infallible, and authoritative. That understanding demands an attentiveness to the text of Scripture that yields a right interpretation of what is said. In this Theology Seminar, Dr. Ched Spellman, Associate Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies, addresses key facets of biblical interpretation that will lead to an accurate understanding of the text of Scripture. As an initiative of the Center for Biblical Integration, this talk is the fourth of six Theology Seminars being offered to Cedarville faculty fall of 2019. View the Presentation Slides »
Theology Seminar Session 5: God and Creation
The doctrines of God and creation are essential matters for our consideration in Christian theology. In this Theology Seminar, Dr. J.R. Gilhooly, Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Theology and Director of the Honors Program, discusses the Creator-creature distinction from a biblical-theological vantage point and how it has bearing on our understanding of ontology, axiology, and epistemology. As an initiative of the Center for Biblical Integration, this talk is the fifth of six Theology Seminars being offered to Cedarville faculty fall of 2019.
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Theology Seminar Session 6: Humanity and Sin
The doctrines of God and creation are essential matters for our consideration in Christian theology. In this Theology Seminar, Dr. J.R. Gilhooly, Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Theology and Director of the Honors Program, discusses the Creator-creature distinction from a biblical-theological vantage point and how it has bearing on our understanding of ontology, axiology, and epistemology. As an initiative of the Center for Biblical Integration, this talk is the fifth of six Theology Seminars being offered to Cedarville faculty fall of 2019.
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Theology Seminar Session 7: Salvation
Everyone in the world understands there is brokenness and all are striving for a solution to the problem. Christians have a unique perspective on the theological theme of salvation, which presupposes the triune God of the Bible, as well as the sinfulness of humanity, and claims that our only hope of eternal life is through repentance and faith in Jesus. The speaker for this seminar is Dr. Jason Lee, Dean, School of Biblical and Theological Studies, Professor of Theological Studies.
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Theology Seminar Session 8: Church
When Christ ascended to heaven he had told his disciples that he would build his church, his bride and body. The church, the people of God comprised of believing Jews and Gentiles, is a key means to our growth in godliness and serves as a reminder of the end of the storyline Scripture portrays, where God will be the God of a particular people forever. The speaker for this seminar is Dr. Thomas White, President and Professor of Theology.
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Theology Seminar Session 9: The Holy Spirit
At times the neglected person of the Trinity, at times misunderstood as some mystic force, the Holy Spirit plays a key role in our salvation, sanctification, and ability to operate in the world as Christians in ways that are profoundly countercultural. The speaker for this seminar is Dr. Zach Bowden, Executive Assistant to the President and Assistant Professor of Theology. As an initiative of the Center for Biblical Integration, this talk is the 1st Theology Seminars being offered to Cedarville faculty during the Fall 2020 semester.
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Theology Seminar Session 11: Theism and World Religions
Every religion speaks of the god or gods it worships. While there are distinctions to be seen in the pantheon of gods that exist in world religions, there are some who also wish to claim that all religions are paths that ultimately lead to the same destination. Some would even say, for instance, that the god of Islam and the God of Christianity are one and the same and that these religious ideologies hold the same basic beliefs. This claim, however, stands in stark contrast to the teachings of the Christian faith, which affirms that we worship the one triune God. Dr. Matt Bennett, Assistant Professor of Missions and Theology, will offer helpful teaching on this matter, showing why it is so crucial to understand how Christianity stands apart from every other religion known to humanity. As an initiative of the Center for Biblical Integration, this talk is the 3rd Theology Seminar being offered to Cedarville faculty during the Fall 2020 semester, and the 11th in the series. View the Presentation Slides »
Theology Seminar Session 10: Doctrine of Last Things
From Eden to the New Jerusalem, the Bible is telling its readers of an eternal kingdom and a coming day when that kingdom of God would overcome all others, and God will be glorified in judgment and salvation. This reality shapes the way we live today in terms of our ethics, values, and our ultimate hope. The speaker for this seminar is Dr. Jeremy Kimble, Associate Professor of Theology and Director of the Center for Biblical Integration. As an initiative of the Center for Biblical Integration, this talk is the 2nd Theology Seminars being offered to Cedarville faculty during the Fall 2020 semester. View the Presentation Slides »
Theology Seminar Session 12: History of Higher Education
This seminar walks through the history of Christian higher education with an emphasis on Biblical Integration. The speaker for this seminar is Dr. Thomas Mach, Vice President for Academics and Professor of History. As an initiative of the Center for Biblical Integration, this talk is the 12th Theology Seminars offered to Cedarville faculty. View the Presentation Slides »
Theology Seminar: Integration Paper Workshop
Biblical integration is the understanding and application of biblical-theological truth to academic disciplines and the various spheres of life. In this video, Dr. Jeremy Kimble, Director of the Center for Biblical Integration and Associate Professor of Theology, provides a training session to assist Cedarville University faculty working on their integration papers. This session covers what integration is, thinks through the integration paper process, and provides details as to what the handbook says on the integration paper requirements. View the Presentation Slides »