One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

Program Mission and Overview:
Fit To Be Tied exists to cultivate marriages that reflect the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This program is designed to provide wise counsel for seriously dating and engaged couples who anticipate getting married within the next 18 months. The program possesses three major components: pre-marriage inventories, group seminars, and individualized meetings with a mentor couple.

Pre-marriage Inventories:
The pre-marriage inventories include the SYMBIS Assessment, and the DISC personality profile. Within the context of the mentoring relationship, these inventories are designed to help the student couple understand more about themselves, one another, and their relationship as a whole. They will also assist the couple and their mentors in identifying areas of conflict or weakness, which should be addressed in the mentoring process.

Group Seminars:
The group seminars are held at convenient times throughout school year, providing helpful information on selected topics dealing with marriage relationships. The subject of each seminar is as follows:

  • The Meaning of Marriage
  • Personalities and Marriage (DiSC)
  • Communication and Conflict Resolution
  • Finances and Marriage
  • Intimacy in Marriage

Individualized Mentoring:
Student couples choose a couple from their local church and/or Cedarville University faculty/staff mentor couple to meet with throughout the program. This mentoring component provides the student couple with individualized advice on the joys and challenges of marriage, as well as a personal model of a strong, growing, Christian marriage.