Tutoring Services
The Cove offers several options for students who want academic support.
Customize your learning experience to fit your needs.
Tutoring Appointments
Make an hour appointment with a peer tutor for any course on campus. The Cove tutoring services are available to CU students for their scheduled academic courses.
Make an AppointmentPeer Group Leaders (PGLs)
Take advantage of weekly review sessions for your course(s). PGLs are peer tutors who work closely with professors. See the current PGL Review Sessions schedule for hours listed.
Current Review Sessions ScheduleMath Tutoring Labs
Attend our drop-in tutoring labs for most of the math courses offered on campus. Each lab is always staffed by 2 peer tutors and is open 10 hours each week. See the current Math Labs Schedule for hours listed.
Faculty Academic Coaching
Make an appointment with a faculty academic coach for help with study strategies, test prep, test taking, test anxiety, note taking, time management, motivation and more.
Apply to become a Peer Tutor
Meet with students to assist with test preparation, study strategies, and overall academic success.
Apply to be a Tutor
If you have any questions,
please contact The Cove Tutoring Coordinator.
We look forward to serving you!