One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

Duties of Title IX Coordinator

V.    Duties of Title IX Coordinator

The University has designated the duties and responsibilities of the Title IX Coordinator who shall:

  1. Appoint deputy Title IX Coordinators as needed.

  2. Ensure coordination of compliance activities with the deputy Title IX Coordinators and appropriate staff with relevant responsibilities for such activities on campus as housing, University Medical Services, Counseling Services, Campus Security, Student Life, and Human Resources.

  3. Prepare and arrange for a preventive education program. Such programs will include information designed to encourage students to report incidents of Prohibited Conduct to the appropriate University authorities and law enforcement authorities when applicable.

  4. Develop specific materials that include the University’s policy, rules, and resources for students, faculty, coaches, and administrators, and arrange for such materials to be included in all employee and student handbooks, as well as in other locations as required by Title IX regulations. These materials would include:

    1. What constitutes Prohibited Conduct under this policy.

    2. What to do if an individual has been the victim of Prohibited Conduct.

    3. Contact information for counseling, victim services, and other resources for individuals involved in a report of Prohibited Conduct, both on and off school grounds.

    4. How to file a report, how to file a formal complaint, and the difference between the two.

    5. How to contact the University’s Title IX Coordinator.

    6. What the University will do to respond to allegations of Prohibited Conduct, including supportive measures that can be taken.

    7. Explain that retaliation against individuals who participate in a process relating to Prohibited Conduct is strictly prohibited and is itself a violation of this policy.

  5. Analyze periodically any trends or patterns of Prohibited Conduct on campus, assess the efficacy of campus-wide response to Prohibited Conduct, and conduct an annual review of all Title IX reports and formal complaints brought to the University Title IX Coordinator.

  6. Communicate with Campus Security regarding the University’s obligations under Title IX and serve as a resource regarding Title IX and its relationship to the University’s obligations under the Clery Act.

  7. Develop a protocol with Campus Security regarding complaints of Prohibited Conduct filed with Campus Security.

  8. Monitor and assess the University’s overall Title IX compliance efforts.

  9. Arrange for or conduct training for all new employees and periodic training for other employees and students on matters relating to preventing, reporting, and addressing Prohibited Conduct. Specifically, all incoming students and new employees will receive training on the prevention of sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking. Training will include:

    1. Information on the University’s prohibition against such conduct and the definitions of each;

    2. The definition of consent;

    3. A description of safe and positive options for bystander intervention;

    4. Information on risk reduction; and

    5. Information on the University’s procedures for reporting such conduct, as well as options for reporting to law enforcement.

  10. Arrange for or conduct ongoing prevention and awareness campaigns for students and employees, including programming, initiatives, and strategies that are sustained over time and focus on increasing understandings of topics relevant to and skills for addressing sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking, using a range of strategies with audiences throughout the institution and including information described in this section.

  11. Ensure that the Title IX Coordinator, investigators, decision-makers, appeals officers, and any person who facilitates an informal resolution process receives training on the definition of Sexual Harassment – Title IX, the scope of the University’s education program or activity, how to conduct an investigation and grievance process including hearings, appeals, and alternate resolution processes, and how to serve impartially, including by avoiding prejudgment of the facts at issue, conflicts of interest, and bias. This also includes how to apply the definitions with respect to consent (or the absence or negation of consent) consistently, impartially, and in accordance with this policy. Additionally, the Title IX Coordinator shall ensure:

    1. Investigators receive training on issues of relevance to create an investigative report that fairly summarizes relevant evidence;

    2. Decision-makers receive training on any technology to be used at a live hearing and on issues of relevance of questions and evidence, including when questions and evidence about the complainant’s sexual predisposition or prior sexual behavior are not relevant.

    3. The Title IX Coordinator, investigators, decision-makers, and appeals officers receive annual training on the issues related to dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking and on how to conduct an investigation and hearing process that protects the safety of victims and promotes accountability.

  12. Ensure that any materials used to train Title IX Coordinators, investigators, decision-makers, appeals officers, and any person who facilitates informal resolution do not rely on sex stereotypes and promote impartial investigations and adjudications of formal complaints of sexual harassment. Such materials will be made publicly available through the University’s website. 

  13. Develop internal operating procedures for any Deputy Title IX coordinators and investigators and provide training on that protocol.

  14. Oversee and log all communications regarding reports, formal complaints, and other activities covered by this policy.