Caring Well. Staying Well. Guide to Be Released Next Week
Friday, July 17, 2020
Thank you for your patience as we finalize and prepare to communicate our comprehensive plan for operating under COVID-19 restrictions this fall. Using Philippians 2:3-4 as our guide, the Caring Well. Staying Well. operations plan will balance providing a vibrant residential experience for our students with maintaining a healthy work and study environment for the entire campus community.
We are carefully reviewing and making final edits to our plan in light of this week's remarks from the Ohio Governor and a meeting yesterday with officials from the Greene County Health Department to ensure our protocols align with the most up-to-date governmental guidelines.
With these recent updates in view, we now plan to release the Caring Well. Staying Well. guide next week. We apologize for this delay and continue to covet your prayers as we prepare to welcome students, faculty, and staff back to campus next month.
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