Independent Study
Independent study allows students to develop a high degree of independence in their ability to choose and investigate problems. The objectives of the program include providing opportunities to explore areas not covered in normal course structure, recognizing foreign travel experiences, rewarding self-motivated students, and encouraging joint-study by faculty and students on specialized projects.
Individual students and faculty members develop the specific criteria which must be met for the successful completion of specific independent study projects. However, the following guidelines govern the independent study program:
- Only one independent study project may be undertaken in an academic term.
- The maximum credit which may be earned for an independent study project is four credit hours.
- The faculty member supervising the independent study must review and initial the student's copy of the written proposal and the registration form. Registration for the independent study must occur at the beginning of the quarter in which the work is to be completed.
- No more than eight credit hours in independent study may be counted toward the major field; no more than sixteen may be counted toward graduation. Independent study taken outside major/minor fields must be approved by the department chairman and the academic vice-president.
- Although grade point average is not a qualification for independent study, the faculty member has the right to deny student participation for any appropriate reason.
- Grading (letter or CR/NC) is determined by the participating faculty member.
Independent Study forms are available in the Office of the Registrar.