8 Reasons to Pursue an MBA From a Christian University

8 Reasons to Pursue an MBA From a Christian University
You'll find a lot of options when choosing an MBA. As a follower of Christ, is it really that important that you choose an MBA from a Christian
university? Isn’t business the same anywhere? Turns out it is not.
Here are 8 reasons why it’s important to choose a Christian university as you pursue an MBA:
- Learn to make biblical decisions, not just ethical ones. While worldly ethics may waver based on public opinion or current events, our framework for making decisions should be on the never-changing Word of God.
- Establish service as the framework for why organizations and businesses exist, not just making money. Our ultimate goal should be to glorify God, and what better way to do that than follow the servant mindset of Jesus. While all companies need to make money to stay in business, our primary purpose should be to meet the needs of others.
- Seek to proactively serve in an organization/corporate business. Instead of responding when we’re asked for help, we should be looking around to see what needs we can meet, both internally and externally. Who needs help, and how can we meet their needs?
- Learn the same concepts but live them out differently. All schools will teach the same basic business principles, but how do we apply them? Are we using these principles for our own gain or to honor the Lord? Are we carrying out tasks drudgingly or with a joyful spirit?
- Understand philosophical differences in how you approach business practices and material that is being learned. We should approach every circumstance and every customer through a biblical lens. Every task is an opportunity to honor God, and every person is His image-bearer.
- Find motivation behind learning the material not just for knowledge but for eternal practice. Rather than just learning facts and figures, look for the long-term purpose of what you’re studying. Instead of asking “When will I ever use this?,” ask “How will God allow me to use this in my life?” Assume that God has you there for a reason, and expect Him to provide a way to use it later.
- Develop a “how then should we live” mindset. If you’re making biblical decisions, seeking to serve others, and maintaining an eternal mindset, ask yourself “Now what?” How should this change how you live? You’ll find it will affect every area of your life, not just your business.
- Discover faculty who are brothers and sisters in Christ. They are relational, understanding, and will extend grace in challenging circumstances. You will experience the joy of working with professors who care about you as a person — as an image-bearer — and not just as a number in the class. They want you to not just successfully pass the class but use your God-given talents to honor Him with your vocation.
By John Delano, PhD
Dr. Delano is Associate
Dean, Graduate Business Programs for the Cedarville University School of Business
An online MBA from Cedarville University will equip you with practical skills and knowledge so you are ready to lead and serve with excellence! And, with a scripture integrated into every course, Cedarville’s MBA will allow you to study business through a biblical lens.
Choose from five MBA concentrations, including Business Analytics, Cybersecurity, Healthcare Administration, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and Operations Management.
All of your courses will be online and taught in easy-to-manage 7-week terms. You can choose an accelerated plan, or take your time to complete your degree. The MBA is flexible to your needs! You’ll work with an enrollment advisor who will help you get started on your application … and stay with you right through graduation! We don’t just want you to start; we want you to graduate with your MBA from Cedarville University!
If the Lord is calling you to mature your gifts and talents with an MBA, Cedarville offers you excellent training from a solid biblical worldview strengthening your ability to lead well with integrity. If you want to learn more about our online Master of Business Administration programs, visit our Frequently Asked Questions page and call us at 937-766-8000 or fill out the form to the right to request your MBA Program Guide.
Posted in MBA