Loan Information for Undergraduate Programs
A loan is financial aid that must be repaid with interest. Loans are offered based on financial need assessment as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Any eligible student may obtain a federal direct loan; however, the type of loan will be determined by your need assessment. Cedarville University participates in the following loan programs:

Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan
Federal Direct Parent PLUS Loans are fixed-rate loans available to parents of degree-seeking dependent undergraduate students enrolled at least half-time in courses that are degree-applicable.

Federal Direct Undergraduate Student Loan
Federal Direct Undergraduate Student Loans are fixed-rate loans available to degree-seeking students enrolled at least half-time in courses that are degree-applicable.

Federal Nursing Loan
Federal Nursing Loans are awarded to undergraduate nursing majors who demonstrate financial need and are enrolled at least half-time in courses that are degree-applicable.

Private Educational Loan
Private Educational Loans (PVL) are credit-based private loans that are obtained through a lending institution of your choice.